Catalog 2024-2025

College of Business Student Organizations

The Sykes College of Business has numerous student organizations. These organizations provide students with the opportunity to meet people, gain leadership skills, network with business professionals and interact with faculty.

The Adam Smith Society is a College of Business honor society for students of both economics and economic policy. Student members are selected based on both an interest and general competence in the economic way of thinking. The charge of this faculty-mentored student organization is to expose the student members to what economists do in the real world, to introduce them to the different points of view from leagues of professional economists in the marketplace and to encourage enriched interaction between students, faculty and community leaders, all of whom share an interest in real-world economics.

Alpha Iota Mu is the honor society for information systems. The purpose of AIM is to foster academic excellence, to promote high ethical standards among information systems professionals and to encourage the growth of the profession. AIM is affiliated with the Association for Information Systems, and recognizes outstanding management information systems, cybersecurity and financial enterprise systems juniors and seniors who have earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher and faculty recommendation.

The American Marketing Association collegiate chapter promotes student interaction with marketing professionals, both nationally and through the Tampa Bay Chapter. Through active participation and involvement, members gain practical marketing, advertising, management, promotion and financial experience. This award-winning chapter has excelled in community fundraising and marketing efforts and offers to students real-world local projects, important marketing connections and interviewing opportunities.

Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) is an international honor organization for accounting and financial professionals. BAP recognizes academic excellence and complements members’ formal education by providing interaction among students, faculty, and business professionals to foster lifelong growth, service, and ethical conduct. See the Beta Alpha Psi website at

Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honor society for collegiate business programs at AACSB-accredited institutions. Members must be business majors in the upper 10 percent of the junior or senior class or the upper 20 percent of the graduate business class, be nominated by a BGS faculty member and be invited to join. See the Beta Gamma Sigma website at

The Business and Technology Club at The University of Tampa (Technology Club @UT) organizes informational and networking events related to the business uses of digital-based technology. The club is open to students from all majors at The University of Tampa. Working with Tampa areas associations and companies (e.g., Tampa Bay Tech, Microsoft, Gartner), club members meet with senior and executive members of organizations from a variety of industries to learn about the uses of technology, internship and employment opportunities, and to provide service to the Tampa Bay community.

The Cybersecurity Club is an organization whose purpose is to bring an awareness of the opportunities in cybersecurity and expand the knowledge of students in the field via meetings, workshops and other cybersecurity-related events.

The Dean’s Student Advisory Group is composed of student leaders and students who have been recommended by the faculty to advise the dean on the vision, mission and direction of the Sykes College of Business. The group also provides a forum for students to provide comments and requests to the administration of the College. These student representatives are from each of the undergraduate and graduate programs in the Sykes College of Business. Meetings are generally held two times per semester.

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to encourage the study of business among students. Members sponsor many professional and community service events each semester.

Digital Marketing Club at The University of Tampa (DMCUT) aims to provide students with learning and networking opportunities with experts in the rising fields of online marketing, digital advertising, and marketing analytics.

The Institute of Management Accountants Student Chapter (IMASC) is a chapter of the worldwide association of accounting and financial professionals. IMASC exposes students to the breadth of career opportunities in accounting and finance, sponsors presentations and discussions with business leaders and alumni, help students with professional development, and provides leadership and community service opportunities.

The Microfinance Club at The University of Tampa aims to provide students the opportunity to learn and gain real life experience in the microfinance industry. The primary objective is to provide small, low interest,  micro loans to impoverished individuals to start or maintain a small business, creating a means out of poverty for individuals without reliance on handouts.

Omicron Delta Epsilon is an international honor society in economics that recognizes superior academic achievement by both graduate and undergraduate students who have demonstrated an interest and aptitude in economics. Membership provides students an opportunity to attend and participate in ODE student sessions at regional, national and international economics conferences. Research papers from promising students may also be submitted for publication in ODE’s journal, The American Economist.

Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest, most selective, most prestigious, all discipline honor society. Membership is by invitation only. Top 7.5% of junior and top 10% of senior and graduate students are invited to join. 

The Student Chapter of the Financial Management Association is an organization that provides relevant information on the latest developments and opportunities in the area of finance.

The Student Environment Action Coalition exists for the betterment of the University of Tampa as a whole. It is a student and youth run national network of progressive organizations and individuals whose aim is to uproot environmental justices through action and education. We define the environment to include the physical, economic, political, and cultural conditions in which we live. By challenging the power structure which threatens these conditions, students in SEAC work to create progressive, social change on both the local and global levels.

UT Entrepreneurs is the official Tampa Bay chapter of the Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization (C.E.O). The UT Entrepreneurs aims to provide a professional environment in which any type of entrepreneurial notion can prosper. The club help students facilitate their mission of becoming entrepreneurs by providing various opportunities as well as a supportive atmosphere. Members have the opportunity to meet with successful, powerful and prosperous entrepreneurs in and around the Tampa Bay area.