Catalog 2024-2025

Business Analytics Minor

Business analytics offers a modern approach to analyzing complex problems and making smart business-related decisions.  The business analytics minor teaches students to use data, quantitative methods and computational modeling to forecast the implications of business alternatives.  The minor prepares students to solve challenging problems using fact-based approaches to inform decision making in a business environment.  Professionals skilled in business analytics add value and keep organizations competitive by incisively analyzing large amounts of data to gain knowledge and intelligence.  Students solve problems using a mixture of quantitative skills and state-of-the-art software applications. The minor is open to any student with an interest in business analytics and complements many majors, including all majors offered by the Sykes College of Business.

Note: MIS and IB-MIS majors and associated minors may not double count ITM 251, ITM 360 or ITM 408 as a Business Analytics Minor requirement if used to satisfy a requirement in another program.  Please check the course descriptions for all prerequisites to courses.

Degree Requirements

Requirements for a minor in business analytics:

Note: Or a Statistics Course Approved by the ITM Chair.

QMB 210Business Statistics and Analytics


BUS 101Introduction to Global Business


ITM 220Management Information Systems


ITM 466Business Intelligence and Analytics


Total Credit Hours:16

Two of the following:

Or course approved by the ITM department chair.

ITM 251Application Development


ITM 360Advanced Application Development


ITM 408Data and Information Management


MKT 360Marketing Research


ECO 460Econometrics


QMB 380Advanced Managerial Statistics


Total Credit Hours:8

Total Credit Hours: 24