I. The Appointment of Part-Time Faculty

The University of Tampa recognizes that the employment of part‐time faculty provides expertise to enhance the educational effectiveness of an institution. The University is concerned that faculty teaching part‐time meet the same requirements for professional, experiential, and scholarly preparation as their full‐time counterparts teaching in the same disciplines and that the number of part‐time faculty be appropriate.

It is the responsibility of the colleges and the departments to inform and consult with the University's affirmative action officer when part‐time hiring is contemplated, to follow affirmative action hiring practices, and to provide orientation and supervision for, and evaluation of, their part‐time faculty members.

Part‐time faculty members should consult with their chair and their dean at the time of hiring on their duties and on expectations concerning their performance.

Part‐time faculty members have the obligation to provide students with reasonable office hours so that they may seek academic assistance and guidance when desired or required.