K. Unsalaried Clinical Faculty Appointments

The unsalaried clinical faculty designation may be used for appointment of non-salaried, clinical faculty in programs subject to professional accreditation that require clinical/ professional practice teaching and/or clinical/practice supervision and/or clinical/practice direction.

1. The ranks and titles of unsalaried clinical-track faculty are Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, and Clinical Professor.

2. Appointment or re-appointment will ordinarily be for a three-year term, though one or two year appointments are possible. The Department Chair or Program Director submits to the College Dean a rationale for academic rank based on the criteria for clinical rank in this document and on the candidate's curriculum vita. The Department Chair or Program Director also describes the department's expectations of the candidate's contributions during the term of appointment and (for a reappointment) a review of the candidate's previous contributions. For reappointment, the recommendation must be based on a review of the candidate (see below).

3. If the department is interested in reappointing an unsalaried clinical faculty member, the department conducts a reappointment review in the final year of the current appointment. The Department or Program performs an evaluation of clinical teaching performance as part of the review.

4. An unsalaried clinical faculty member may be recommended for promotion if the record of professional activity justifies a change in rank. The rationale for promotion must be based on the University and College criteria for clinical faculty rank (see below), and departmental criteria for clinical faculty rank if those exist. The Department or Program performs an evaluation of clinical teaching performance as part of the review.

5. As in promotion of salaried faculty, the Department's recommendation to promote an unsalaried clinical faculty member is based on a discussion and vote of the departmental and/or program faculty. The Department Chair or Program Director submits the department's recommendation in a letter to the Dean, giving the justification for the promotion. The Department Chair/Program Director letter, the candidate's CV, and the clinical teaching evaluation (see paragraph above) are submitted in early December. The Dean consults the chairs of the department and college tenure and promotion committees if deemed necessary. Upon conclusion of these reviews, the Dean will finalize the promotion recommendation. A positive promotion recommendation initiates a new appointment term.

6. Departments may establish criteria for rank that are consistent with University criteria.

7. Faculty members appointed to the rank of clinical assistant professor are ordinarily expected

1. to hold the professional degree in the discipline;

2. to have current certification and/or licensure as specified by the department of appointment;

3. to have experience in clinical or other professional practice;

4. to show promise of excellence in clinical teaching and in clinical supervision and/or direction (as appropriate to the position description); and

5. to show promise of excellence in professional productivity and service, including but not limited to clinical service.

8. Faculty members reappointed to the rank of clinical assistant professor are expected to meet criteria 1, 2, and 3 above. They are also expected to have met the following expectations:

1. to have an established a record of success in teaching and/or in clinical supervision or direction (as appropriate to the position description);

2. to have demonstrated success in professional productivity (see below, "Evidence of Professional Productivity and Service"); and

3. to have demonstrated contributions in departmental and professional service, including but not limited to clinical service.

9. Faculty promoted, appointed, or reappointed to the rank of clinical associate professor are ordinarily expected

1. to hold the professional degree in the discipline;

2. to have current certification and/or licensure as specified by the department of appointment;

3. to have an established record of sustained success in clinical or other professional practice;

4. to have an established record of sustained success in clinical teaching and/or in clinical supervision at the undergraduate and/or the graduate levels and/or in clinic direction (as appropriate to the position description);

5. to have an established record of success in professional productivity (see below, "Evidence of Professional Productivity and Service") and (where appropriate to the position description) direction of clinical activities in ways that contribute to and sustain departmental scholarly activities; and

6. to have an established record of effective participation in or to have demonstrated contributions in departmental service, including but not limited to clinical service and/or professional service to state, regional, and/or national professional organizations and, where specified by the department, in professional service in the community.

10. Faculty promoted, appointed, or reappointed to the rank of clinical professor are ordinarily expected

1. to hold the doctorate or terminal master's degree of the discipline;

2. to have current certification and/or licensure as specified by the department of appointment;

3. to have an established record of sustained success and excellence in clinical or other professional practice;

4. to have an established record of sustained success and excellence in clinical teaching and/or in clinical supervision at the undergraduate and/or the graduate levels and/or in clinic direction (as appropriate to the position description);

5. to have achieved unmistakable recognition for professional contributions (see below, "Evidence of Professional Productivity and Service") and (where appropriate to the position description) direction of clinical activities in ways that contribute to and sustain departmental scholarly activities; and

6. to have a substantial and sustained record of effective participation in service (including but not limited to clinical service) to the department, to the institution, and to the profession at the regional and/or national level, and, where specified by the department, a sustained record of effective professional service in the community.

11. University policy requires that candidates for the ranks of clinical associate professor and clinical professor demonstrate professional productivity beyond clinical service. This productivity may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, including but not limited to,

1. contributions to curriculum and program development;

2. presentations at local, state, regional, and national professional meetings;

3. clinical workshops offered for professional practitioners;

4. professional consultation;

5. outreach activities to service organizations and civic groups;

6. publications in peer reviewed or non-peer-reviewed journals, as specified by the department, that discuss clinical techniques/practice, methods of or standards in clinical supervision, or standards of practice;

7. publication of clinical handbooks, textbooks, or chapters in clinical textbooks;

8. production of videos or other multi-media materials on clinical instruction;

9. editorship or editorial review for professional journals;

10. service on state or regional licensing/certification boards;

11. contributions to professional organizations through membership on committees and office-holding.

12. Departmental policies may also specify indicators of professional productivity.

12. University policy requires that candidates for the rank of clinical professor provide unmistakable evidence of recognition by peers. This recognition may be demonstrated in a variety of ways, such as

1. invited presentations at professional meetings and workshops,

2. invitations to serve as editor or editorial board member of professional journals,

3. appointment or election to leadership positions in professional organizations,

4. awards and honors from professional organizations.

5. departmental policies may also specify indicators of recognition by peers.