Catalog 2024-2025

Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Vocalist Track)

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree is designed for students desiring to teach music, and leads to Florida teacher certification in Music (K–12). From their first semester of study, students engage in a field-based program of courses that provides real teaching experiences through which students develop their educator skills and professional contacts. Concurrently, Music Education majors develop their personal musicianship and music knowledge-base with courses in music theory, aural skills, musicology, applied study, and performance in a variety of ensembles.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree follow one of two tracks based on their primary applied area: Instrumentalist or Vocalist.

Vocalist Track

Auditions (Vocalist Track)

A successful music audition on voice is required for admission to the Vocalist track of the Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree. Audition requirements and an audition application are available at For assistance and additional information contact

Transfer Students

Transfer students who plan to audition for the Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree program, and who have completed four semesters of applied lessons in their primary performance area, should demonstrate performance competency equivalent to the requirements of the Upper Division Performance Evaluation. Transfer students can obtain a list of these requirements in advance of their audition by contacting

Music Education (Additional Requirements for Admittance)

Admitted Bachelor of Music in Music Education students are required to:

  • Take the Florida General Knowledge Test in the summer prior to entering UT. (The University of Tampa must be designated as a score recipient with the testing agency.)
  • Attain Level II clearance (background check and fingerprinting) through Hillsborough County Schools during the first six weeks of the entering semester. Paperwork and guidance through this process will be provided to students at the beginning of each semester.
  • Enroll in and pass MUS 205 Intro to Music Education, Human Development and Diversity during their first fall semester.

Field Experience Seminar

  • All Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must pass MUS 209 Field Experience Seminar based on the number of semesters they are in residency at UT as a music degree candidate:
        •    8+ semesters at UT = 6 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    7 semesters at UT = 5 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    6 semesters at UT = 4 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    5 semesters at UT = 3 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    4 semesters at UT = 2 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    3 semesters at UT = 1 semesters of passing MUS 209
        •    2 semesters at UT = 1 semester of passing MUS 209 

Applied Performance Requirements (Vocalist Track)

The Vocalist track of the Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree has the following applied performance requirements:

  • Students must take at least twelve total credits of MUS 251 Studio Lessons: Voice and MUS 350 Upper Division Studio Lessons.          
  • Students must take at least six ensemble courses (MUS: 192, 246, 277-298). Ensemble courses may be repeated for additional credit. At least two of these courses must be different ensembles. Music scholarship students may have additional ensemble requirements.
  • Students must present a Junior Recital.

Recital/Concert Attendance

All Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must pass MUS 269 Recital/Concert Attendance based on the number of semesters they are in residency at UT as a music degree candidate:

  • 8+ semesters at UT = 6 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 7 semesters at UT = 5 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 6 semesters at UT = 4 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 5 semesters at UT = 3 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 4 semesters at UT = 2 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 3 semesters at UT = 1 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 2 semesters at UT = 1 semester of passing MUS 269

Minimum Grade for MUS Courses in Major

All Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must receive a grade of “C” or better for any MUS course in order for it to be counted toward their music degree requirements.

Upper Division Performance Evaluation

  • The Upper Division Performance Evaluation is required for all Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates.
  • The Upper Division Performance Evaluation will be made no later than the fourth semester of Studio Lessons, and occurs during the end of the semester Jury Exam.
  • Transfer students bringing in 60 or more credits, who have successfully auditioned, are not required to complete an Upper Division Performance Evaluation.
  • Students must achieve an average grade of "B" or better to pass the evaluation. This grade will substitute for the Jury Exam portion of the student's final Studio Lessons grade for the semester.
  • Students who do not pass with an average grade of "B" or better will need to retake the Upper Division Performance Evaluation during their next end of the semester Jury Exam. Students who do not pass for the second time may not continue in the Bachelor of Music degree program, but may instead change their major to the Bachelor of Arts in Music.
  • Current performance requirements for the Upper Division Performance Evaluation are listed in the UT Music Student Handbook, available in the UT Music Department Blackboard course or by contacting
  • Students who have passed the Upper Division Performance Evaluation or have transferred in with 60 or more credits should enroll in MUS 350 (Upper Division Studio Lessons) rather than 200-level studio lessons for the duration of their studies.

Upper Division Music Education Application

Prior to their junior year, Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must submit an Upper Division Music Education Application in order to continue in the Bachelor of Music degree program. Transfer students are required to submit an Upper Division Music Education Application during their first semester of residence in order to continue in the Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree program. Application forms are available in the Music Department office, or from the Director of Music Education.

The following materials are required for the Upper Division Music Education Application:

  1. Evidence of a 3.0 GPA that is certified by the Academic Advising Office
  2. A student transcript (unofficial), indicating completion or pending completion of 30 credit hours by the end of the current semester
  3. Documentation of passing scores on all portions of the Florida General Knowledge Exam
  4. Two educator disposition assessment forms completed by UT music faculty
  5. One letter of recommendation (not from a UT music faculty member)
  6. The applicant's perspectives on education statement
  7. The criminal record information form (for field placement purposes)
  8. A signed cooperative learning agreement

Music Education Teacher Certification

Prior to their internship semester and/or graduation, all Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must submit documentation confirming the completion of the following items to the Director of Music Education:

  1. 100 hours of field experience in K-12 classrooms, divided according to area of specialization
  2. Passing scores on the two relevant Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE): the Professional Education and Music K-12 exams

Music Exit Exam

Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates are required to complete the Music Exit Exam prior to graduation. Students must take the Music Exit Exam during their final semester of study.



MUS 205Intro to Music Education, Human Development and Diversity


MUS 209Field Experience Seminar


MUS 390Reading and Teaching Music - Elementary


MUS 391ESOL Survey and Music Class Management


MUS 490Music Instruction and Assessment


MUS 491Music Internship 1 - Elementary


MUS 492Music Internship 2 - Secondary


Total Credit Hours:24


MUS 110Piano Class I


MUS 111Piano Class II


MUS 112Aural Skills I


MUS 113Aural Skills II


MUS 122Music Theory I


MUS 123Music Theory II


MUS 210Concert Recording Practicum


MUS 212Aural Skills III


MUS 215Basic Conducting


MUS 222Music Theory III


MUS 223Music Theory IV


MUS 269Recital/Concert Attendance


MUS 315Choral Conducting


MUS 323Arranging and Orchestration


MUS 380Music History Survey I: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque


MUS 381Music History Survey II: 18th and 19th Centuries


MUS 480Music History Survey III: 1900 to Present Day


Total Credit Hours:40


MUS 124Vocal Diction Technique and Literature


MUS 135Alexander Technique for Wellness


MUS 225Vocal and Choral Methods


MUS 226String Methods


MUS 228Brass Methods


MUS 229Percussion Methods


MUS 230Woodwind Methods I: Single Reeds


MUS 232Guitar Methods


MUS 346Junior Recital


12 credits of the following:

MUS 251Studio Lessons: Voice


MUS 350Upper Division Studio Lessons


6 credits of the following:

MUS 192World Music Drumming Ensemble


MUS 246Camerata


MUS 277Jazz Combo


MUS 279MIX Lab


MUS 280Studio Production Ensemble


MUS 281Interactive Arts Ensemble


MUS 282Woodwind Ensemble


MUS 283Brass Ensemble


MUS 284Percussion Ensemble


MUS 285Classical Guitar Ensemble


MUS 286String Ensemble


MUS 287Performance Class


MUS 289Orchestra


MUS 290Spartan Band


MUS 291Wind Ensemble


MUS 292Jazz Ensemble


MUS 293Chamber Singers


MUS 294Opus


MUS 295University Treble Chorus


MUS 297University Concert Chorus


MUS 298Opera Workshop


Total Credit Hours:34

Child Development

The Florida Department of Education requires a psychology course in child development. Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates can take the PSY 210 course to satisfy this requirement. The PSY 210 course has a prerequisite of PSY 101. PSY 101 and PSY 210 will count toward 8 credits of Social Science requirements for the Baccalaureate Experience curriculum (up until catalog year 2022-23). PSY 101 will count toward 4 credits of Social Science distribution requirement for the Spartan Studies curriculum (starting with catalog year 2023-24).


PSY 101General Psychology


PSY 210Psychology of Child Development



Total Credit Hours: 98